I’d been hitch-hiking for a couple months and caught a ride with a fellow who took me to DC, where I met a friend of a friend who put me up for a few days. While there through some misadventures I got back in touch with this fellow, who was leaving to visit a friend in North Carolina. I’d told him of my plan to go to Texas to find a place to sell trees, and he insisted on loaning me his car. I picked up another hitch-hiker on the way and while we were in Laredo met a couple local guys who took us over the border to Nuevo Laredo, where they had a fenced-in area called Boy’s Town with all the bars and cat houses. We weren’t there for the girls, just to check it out, and afterwards went back to Pancho’s ranch house, where his family had a long, skinny ranch a few miles out of town; that’s how they do it there because there’s not a lot of water they have a short section by the river and a bunch of land like a finger where the cattle can roam. In the morning Pancho’s mother came in to the bunk house where the four of us were sleeping, saw the empty tequila bottle on the bar, gave a little smile and tossed it in the trash. On the bar were two cafeteria trays, one covered with a bunch of pot, the other dried peyote. We had peyote and a joint for breakfast, then Pancho drove us back to town. 🙂